Special Offers

Izmir Kebab

We offer Pick-up and Food Delivery

See MENU & Order

Wanted: Dig Your Spoon Into These Irresistibly Sweet Promos

We’re changing the rules of the game! We’re constantly coming up with great promotions designed especially for your needs. Our time-limited and carefully crafted-for-you promotions enable you to enjoy a great deal on your favorite meals everytime you simply don’t feel like cooking.
Montag: Pizza 30cm 7.50€
Margherita, Salami, Schinken oder Funghi
Dienstag: Kebab-Teller klein 7.50€
mit Pommes oder Reis
Mittwoch: jedes SCHNITZEL 12€
außer 71 & 71d
Donnerstag: PASTA 7,50€
Napoli, Arabiata, Bolognese oder Rot/weiß
Freitag: Pizza 40cm 12€
Margherita, Salami, Schinken oder Funghi